Top 5 Annuity Features I Feel Will Be Very Popular For 2023 | HUGE NEWS ON GUARANTEES! Check it out!

1 year ago

5 Fixed Annuity Features That Will Be Popular In 2023...

1. Accumulation Guarantees
- 3 & 4 Year annuities between 4.90% and 5.00%
- 5 & 6 Year annuities between 5.00% and 5.40%
- 7 Year annuities between 5.10% and 5.50%
- 8-10 Year annuities not as attractive as shorter terms

2. Guaranteed Income Options
What is hot:
- Interest Only Withdrawals (accumulation values & DB remain steady)
- Free withdrawal provision (built in even at higher rates, 5% - 15%)
- Immediate Annuities (Single or Joint Lives, period certain for laddering)
- Split Annuities (advantage to non-qualified funds and the knowledge of exclusion ratio)

3. Carrier ratings, history and longevity
What I feel should be looked at beyond ratings:
-Ratings are just a stating point (Be aware of how long a carrier has had a rating)
- Check multiple ratings agencies (AM Best, Weiss, S&P, + Comdex)
- Total carrier admitted assets (under $1 billion or $10’s of billions)
- History (Has the carrier has a recent upgrade or downgrade)
- Devotion to the annuity product line (Does the carrier have a vested interest in annuities, VOYA)
- Primary product line (FIA – MYGA – SPIA or nice combination

4. An increase in the contractual minimum guarantees (THIS IS HUGE – BIG NEWS HERE!)
This is HUGE:
- A popular walk-Away MYGA will be at 2.75% for 2023 (So liquid in 3 years at no less than 2.75%)
- Other FIA and Deferred at 2.80%
- Be sure to check the minimum guarantees on all product with exit windows

5. Tax Exclusion Ratios and Tax Deferral
More interest = more taxable:
- When rates are below 1% - Taxable gain at the end of year may not be felt to bad
- Now rate have increase 5 fold and so will that taxable interest!
- Use a deferred annuity to defer those taxes
- Use an immediate or Combo/Split annuity defer and get some income with a tax exclusion ratio

Shop That Annuity!

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by: Jeff Affronti
California Insurance License #0B91910 & #0B67385

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