Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 151: All-Star Superman

2 years ago

On Today's lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, TheeJosephSantos joins me as we go over All-Star Superman! Will this prove to Joe that Superman is NOT the Punk he thinks the man of steel is? Ehh...we'll see. This is considered a modern classic so let's find out!

The Underverse ruled by Bizarros. The time-eating Chronovore. Jimmy Olsen, superhero?
Nothing is impossible in ALL-STAR SUPERMAN.
Except for the fact that Superman... is dying.

Now with time running against him, the Man of Steel must tie up loose ends and make sure that he leaves the Earth better than he found it.

The unstoppable creative team of writer Grant Morrison and artist Frank Quitely join forces once more to take Superman back to basics. In an emotionally and visually stunning graphic novel harkening back to a Golden Age of comics, ALL-STAR SUPERMAN creates a new, and at the same time familiar, take on the world’s first superhero. This now-classic graphic novel features Superman's renowned supporting cast, including Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Bizarro, Perry White and of course, his greatest foe Lex Luthor.

#dccomics #superman #grantmorrison


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