Breaking! The Turtle tries to remove campers, Pres Plane returns, 2 fires in 24hrs and more.

2 years ago

Thanks for tuning in once again for another update on the increasingly tense situation here in Brazil as that January 1st inauguration date of the Squid draws ever so near.

I start the news today with confirmation of my early suspicions that Brazilian reporter Paulo Figueiredo who is currently residing in Florida in the USA is in personal contact with President Bolsonaro. I also report on a recent video posted by Paulo where he tells his audience how the PT Party, led by the Squid, plans to govern once in power. Watch to hear my full comments.

Next I report on news happening live as we learn President Bolsonaro's Presidential Plane has begun its return trip to Brazil. After continuous efforts, I have still been unable to confirm who made the trip to Florida, and with speculation abound, it seems Bolso and his team are remaining tight-lipped with regards to who in fact was on-board.

I then bring a short update pertaining to Monday's False Flag where the media and the left claim a Bolso supporter attempted to plant a bomb at the airport in Brasília. We have since learned that the alleged suspect was far from a Bolso supporter and in fact has ties to Petrobras, the nation's state-owned oil company and its workers union, both extreme left-wing entities. There is new evidence circulating which now seems to suggest this False Flag may have actually been an assassination attempt on Bolsonaro or somebody close to him.

We also find out that the Turtle has recently arrested another 32 patriots for anti-democratic behavior throughout the country, and has also prohibited carrying firearms in the DF (Federal District) of Brasília until Jan 2nd.

And in breaking news, the Turtle this morning ordered his thugs at the Federal Police and Detran (Transport Department) to clear the campers and protesters from the front of the Army Base in the nation's capital. Unfortunately for him however, it didn't turn out the way he planned as soldiers from the army base quickly arrived on the scene in large numbers surrounding the campers and their sites and protecting them until the threat had subsided. Check out the links below!

Also, and in another possible attempt by the left to cause chaos, two fires have erupted in the last 24 hours, one destroying a Havan Department Store in Vitoria da Conquista in Bahia, and the other a warehouse in Rio de Janeiro.
Although there are not too many details to report on the event in Rio, the fire in Bahia is interesting as the owner of the chains of Havan Department Stores is an avid and vocal Bolsonaro fan. I'll bring more information as I receive it on these two incidents.

And in further military movement, we see today more assets, this time personnel, being moved in Goias state, which is also where the capital Brasília and its Federal District is located. Many videos have also been posted on social media today showing a military plane being escorted by two fighter jets flying over Brasília a number of times this afternoon.

And lastly I speculate a little regarding how I think the situation may play out relating to enacting Article 142 or the implementation of the GLO law.

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