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Stephannie Weidner, Active Self Protection | Defenders LIVE | Lessons from Life, Business & Training

2 years ago

Stephannie Weidner, Active Self Protection | Dec 14, 2022 Defenders LIVE | Lessons from Life, Business & Training

Stephannie has been involved at Active Self Protection in many different capacities since 2014, currently serving as the CEO and Executive Officer (XO) and John Correia's general “right-hand man.” Because she is a follower of Jesus, she is passionate in her belief that innocent life has vast intrinsic value and is worthy of being fiercely defended. She enjoys having the opportunity to teach some of the skills necessary to that task around the country. She is particularly interested in defending vulnerable populations and issues important to women.

During the LIVE, you will hear Stephannie's unique story to firearms, discussion about business and life, as well as topics relating to the training industry as a whole.

Stephannie's training credentials: https://activeselfprotection.com/about-stephannie/

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