Modern-Day Jeroboam Prophecy

1 year ago

God promises to save America from the bitter affliction it is suffering today! But relief will be temporary—just long enough for the people to consider repenting toward God. Understand how God will use one leader to bring brief relief to America.

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The United States of America has been a world superpower for the past two centuries. But the nation is declining fast. There is a deadly spiritual reason why. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Great Again to understand the only way to reverse America’s fatal decline.

You can prove every bit of the revealed biblical truth about America’s coming collapse—and its rise to ultimate greatness once again. Study Great Again to prove how God identifies certain people in this end time who fulfill prophetic roles foretold in your Bible. God has pinpointed a national leader on the scene today who will bring relief to America for a short time, just like the Israelite King Jeroboam the Second did for his nation thousands of years ago. Bible history often becomes prophecy!

The modern-day Jeroboam in America must fight against radical, unhinged domestic opponents. Study Great Again to expose America’s real enemy. Learn how an American political movement was infiltrated by hostile operatives. Uncover the crippling attack on this nation being carried out by traitors from within. The destructive fundamental transformation of America has taken place underground for decades, but it is out in the open today for anyone paying attention to see. Are you willing to see it?

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Jonah: A Strong Warning to God’s Church. The Prophet Jonah is known for running away from God and being swallowed by a great fish before finally warning Nineveh. But Jonah also prophesied that King Jeroboam the Second would lead a temporary resurgence in ancient Israel. History is repeating itself today! Like Jonah, a man today foretells the return of an American leader that will restore national greatness. God’s Church has the sobering responsibility to support this powerful prophetic message.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s book The Former Prophets. Scholars say the biblical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings are just history. But these books were written by prophets and comprise a part of the Bible called the Former Prophets. All Bible history is recorded for your benefit. There is always some sort of lesson to learn from it. Much of the time, Bible history goes beyond teaching lessons—it actually becomes prophecy! History repeats itself!
The biblical book of Second Kings contains an account of the Israelite King Jeroboam the Second. Study The Former Prophets to prove how this biblical passage is more than just history—it is an end-time prophecy that will soon be fulfilled, shaking America and the world!

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Great Again, Jonah: A Strong Warning to God’s Church, and The Former Prophets. Order now!

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