Texas becomes a State of America on Dec 29th, 1845

1 year ago

This day in history on December 29th, 1845 Texax became a State of the United States of America. On this day today December 29th, 2022 a Texas flight attendant was busted with enough Fentanyl to kill 650,000 Americans. We are in the battle of our nation's life. The CCP headed by Xi Jin Ping, working through his well funded and well organized surrogates and US paid off traitors, are attempting to destroy our Constitutional Republic. God help us to EXPOSE the plot, EXPOSE the perpetrators and arrest the US traitors who, for money are complicit with this evil plan. 12/29/22 Onalaska, Wisconsin
mefoundation.world Ray Wigdal has lived in China for 34 years and has done successful ministry in Beijing as well as working to reach many other countries with the word of God.

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