REVEALED: The Worst Use of Taxpayer Funds Award for 2022 Goes to…

1 year ago

Talk about bringing back the pork.

As the year winds down, it’s a perfect time to take a look at federal government waste. Senator Rand Paul has issued what he calls his Festivus Report – a reference to the show Seinfeld which featured a made-up holiday around Christmas time called Festivus which was the time for airing grievances – for 2022 where he lays out some of the most ridiculous uses of taxpayer funds of the year.

As reported by Fox News, Sen. Paul called out a nearly half TRILLION dollars in wasteful government projects:

"Paul’s 2022 Festivus Report is inspired by the Festivus holiday taken from hit sitcom 'Seinfeld' that features an airing of grievances, an appropriate model for deficit hawks like Paul who have watched the national debt explode by nearly $2 trillion in the last year. His 2022 report finds 'a whopping $482,276,543,907' worth of federal waste.

'Who’s to blame? One need not look further than the $3.5 trillion that the big government politicians in Congress spent on the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which ultimately does nothing to truly combat rising inflation rates,' Paul said. 'Worse, those same big spenders have just teamed up to pass a pork-laden $1.9 trillion omnibus spending package for 2023, released in the dead of night, and voted into law without anyone having read it.'"

Senator Paul chose a lighter tone to release his report, probably because many of the projects revealed inside seem like complete jokes. Except they used our tax dollars, and our southern border with Mexico is HEMORRHAGING, and that is not funny. But honestly, the ridiculous nature of these projects might be the only thing keeping your head from exploding in anger and disbelief about how cavalier this Administration has been in spending our tax dollars.

The report shows how they used your tax money to give steroids to mice. This wasteful spending on flat-out insane projects has to stop right now.

Here’s an idea: spend half of that money on adding border patrol agents, and giving them the resources they desperately need – that they’ve been begging for. But I suppose that would require President Biden to acknowledge there actually is a crisis.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of Senator Paul’s Festivus Report and some of these inconceivable projects that our federal government feels were worthy of wasting your money. And by the way, at least after they burned through $2 million of our tax dollars, the government determined that, no, beagles should indeed not use cocaine. Thanks President Biden.

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