"If we remove the barricades, they will hunt us like rabbits"

1 year ago

Filipović: If we remove the barricades, they will hunt us like rabbits

▪️Aleksandar Filipović, until recently the head of operations in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, stated this evening at the meeting of Serbs of Kosovo with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić in Raška, that his opinion, as well as that of his fellow policemen, is that, as he said, If Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metochia remove the barricades, they will be "hunt like rabbits".

▪️He explained why the Serbs left the institutions, stressing that law and justice do not exist in the so-called Kosovo, that for the last year and a half it has been unbearable and that this has come to the fore with the arrival of special forces. He pointed out that there was no choice but to leave the institutions.

❗️He pointed out that Prishtina has declared all Serbs to be criminals and stated that a few months ago, the Kosovo police "fired 400 bullets at a fellow citizen who was driving soda and beer while chasing that truck", and that when he stopped and started to ran away, shot after him, "and when he fell they approached and disfigured him beyond recognition".

▪️Filipović said that he sent his police officers, who told him that they knew who it was, "but that he could not be recognized because he was disfigured".

▪️Kosovo policemen, as he added, then stopped the ambulance and asked to say who called them and returned it, they did not allow the ambulance to help the man.

▪️He stated that the Minister of Police of the Pristina Temporary Institutions said afterwards that it was a justified use of force.

💬 "For us, there is no life there under these circumstances while the special thugs are on our territory, the northern part of Kosovo is not the Republic of Kosovo nor will it be, they do not have any element of statehood in the north of Kosovo," emphasized Filipović.

▪️He pointed out that while the Kosovo special forces are in the north of Kosovo, the Serbs do not and will not have a normal life, no matter what guarantees they get.

The state of heightened combat readiness of the Serbian Army has been abolished

▪️The state of heightened combat readiness in the Serbian Armed Forces was abolished by the decision of the President and Commander-in-Chief Aleksandar Vučić, it was confirmed to Tanjug in the Presidency.

▪️Combat readiness was declared on December 26 due to the situation in the north of Kosovo.

News: Removed barricade on Merdar

▪️The barricade at the Merdare administrative crossing has been removed, and other barricades are expected to be removed as well.

▪️The barricade at that administrative crossing, which was set up by a group of citizens in support of the arrested Serbs, after their release yesterday, has just been removed, writes Novosti.

▪️The reporter conveys the so-called of the Kosovo Police that the Merdare administrative crossing is now passable for traffic.

Completely the same situation as in Kos. Mitrovica, in Srbovac a truck that was part of the barricade was set on fire. The perpetrator is unknown, and the fire happened early this morning, around 5:30.

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