Traction EOS | How You Should Run Your Business!

1 year ago

Traction EOS is simple yet powerful framework for running small businesses. Traction EOS can take your business operations to the next level if you understand and can implement effectively.

This video will explain the 6 key components in Traction EOS from a business owner perspective who disclaimer is not an EOS certified implemented but someone who continues to operate at $15M in the trenches as a CEO, COO and chief HR and who currently has over 60 full time active employees.

We'll go over the 6 Traction EOS components and then dive into their former licensed software → now and show you how to utilize their platform to manage and implementation the entrepreneurial operation system (EOS) and get Traction in your business.

Video Timestamps:
00:00 Introduction
00:59 Traction EOS
01:53 Component #1
03:07 Component #2
05:14 2 More Core Components
06:29 6 Component Summary
08:16 On Screen Demo
09:40 Accountability Chart
18:00 Work Dashboard
19:27 L10 Meeting Demo
30:11 Summary

#TractionEOS #Traction #EOS #BusinessOps #BizOps

Disclaimer: This is not financial, legal or tax advice, this is strictly information for entertainment purposes only. Always consult with professionals for respective industries.

Clip Credits:
Stock footage provided by Freepik, downloaded from
Stock footage provided by KAMPUS, downloaded from

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