221228 Why the PPC-CPC Debate is Meaningless

2 years ago

The PPC-CPC debate rages in Canada, but New Brunswick FreeProvince Project founder Mark Vandermaas explains why the debate is utterly meaningless because 1 party can't win and the other doesn't deserve to be elected dogcatcher, and neither of them can change the 3 policy areas that matter most because they are all provincial jurisdictions.

So, it's time to play a smarter game, one based on a proven strategy that turned NH into the free-estate state in America: the concentration of liberty folks in a small province in order to take political control over the 3 critical policy areas that need to be reformed in order to restore, expand and protect freedom: Health, Policing and Education...ALL provincial jurisdictions.

Let's play a better game, one where the math is on our side.


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