7 Must-Read Books on the Local Christian Church

2 years ago

What's the point of the local church? It seems many people aren't sure or never learned. As we watch church attendance rates plunge in modern American culture, it's important that we equip people to understand why it matters and how powerful the local church is for individuals, communities and society as a whole!

In this video, I talk about 7 books about the local church that were powerful for me in writing my new book, "Reason to Return: Why Women Need the Church & the Church Needs Women" from NavPress books.

1. Disappearing Church & Reappearing Church by Mark Sayers
2. Church Forsaken by Jonathan Brooks
3. The Church: Delighting in the Doctrine of the Church by Erin Wheeler
4. Letters to the Church by Francis Chan
5. When Narcissism Comes to the Church by Chuck DeGroat
6. A Place to Belong by Megan Hill
7. Reason to Return: Why Women Need the Church & the Church Needs Women by Ericka Andersen

Learn more about my work at erickaandersen.com and sign up for my weekly newsletter for Christian women there, where you'll receive 10 Faith Tips for Christian moms.

Order "Reason to Return" on Amazon. Christian Book or Barnes and Noble today! If you order the book, there are a ton of freebies that come with, which you can claim here: https://erickaandersen.com/reason-to-return/

Follow me on IG at Instagram.com/ericka_andersen.

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