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Free Speech 29TH dec 2022

2 years ago

Political Free Speech Ep.1

00:00 Intro HEX will crush all
00:57 Will you sell your crypto
01:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7S5X3uIU88
04:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7S5X3uIU88 - Commentary
06:11 Twitter files are real - Commentary
07:15 Political Free Speech undertreat - Commentary
09:11 What if crypto was targeted next - Commentary
10:20 Technocracy -- Commentary
11:59 Would you accept IRL term and conditions... - Commentary
13:02 They can download your packets - Commentary
14:18 Freedoms being lost - Commentary
15:28 IRL to make change
18:40 Loonbirds for the win - Chat
19:44 Crypto chat talk
21:20 Twitter files
24:50 Price of HEX / Worried about losses of freedoms / HEX talk / Geo-economic conditions in a complex system - Chat
31:20 eHEX vs pHEX my mind has stalled out???
35:00 What happens when Pulse drops / PLS / PLSX / HEX
37:38 Stables to be deployed, how!?!?
40:50 Binance - strangeness
42:20 Hopium vs Economy facts
46:00 Chat
46:35 Teather Fud
48:40 Politics to make change
50:00 Aus follows the US
51:00 Conspiracy does the NSA know what is going on with Pulsechain
53:08 1.7 trillion
57:40 Military industrial complex and no review of the money!
1:01:22 Top G v Greta https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1608212791009374208
1:04:17 Project Veritas https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1608252988904308738
1:05:33 Carpe Donktum https://twitter.com/CarpeDonktum/status/1608250568199524353
1:06:30 New strains - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwchWaCAnk0&t
1:11:12 Japanese Research - https://twitter.com/_aussie17/status/1607008954844078080?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1607008954844078080%7Ctwgr%5Ec14ad107a43619b9bc1eb475c9cc7821ddcff5f8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.infowars.com%2Fposts%2Fjapanese-researchers-investigate-link-between-covid-jabs-and-deaths-severe-adverse-reactions%2F
1:20:52 - Australian possibly miss spoke, because we have political free speech.
1:21:31 - My thoughts on informed consent / a short story on my position / freedoms being lost...
1:24:25 Actual insane people tied up with people who question peacefully
1:26:17 DeSantis Administration Threatens to Revoke License of Venue for Drag Show Allowing Children https://flvoicenews.com/desantis-administration-threatens-to-revoke-license-of-venue-for-drag-show-marketed-to-children/
1:26:57 Science data.
1:27:26 - Tesla do not like the cold
1:27:55 Judge approves $10M class-action settlement over mandatory COVID shots!!! https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/judge-approves-10b-class-action-settlement-over-mandatory-covid-shots?utm_source=tw&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=twjtn
1:29:27 My logic
1:30:52 RBA fears an Australian CBDC could sideline banks and displace the dollar
1:32:33 Weather affecting the weather - https://www.chron.com/business/article/Southwest-Air-Faces-Gridlock-With-Over-80-of-17678321.php
1:33:11 Robots!!! https://twitter.com/ronin19217435/status/1607443106516852738
1:33:55 Elon Musk: “Almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true.” https://twitter.com/drelidavid/status/1607049015199424512
1:35:04 Trudeau Government’s Covid Jab Propaganda Ad Brutally Mocked
1:36:45 Exclusive content with YE "More warriors to come"
1:43:02 🙏🙏🙏Mental Health Expert: ‘Level of Psychological Distress’ in UK Has Doubled Since COVID Began https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1607835350348582912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1607835350348582912%7Ctwgr%5E92749c4017230909178136325106bca308552108%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.infowars.com%2Fposts%2Fmental-health-expert-level-of-psychological-distress-in-uk-has-doubled-since-covid-began%2F
1:46:23 Maybe #HEX & the #RichardHeart ecosphere will help many many people
1:51:21 Closing message


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