Learn how to become a better Lucky Hook ball bowler: Bowling Score sheets

1 year ago

I bowled 6 games with an avg of 192.8. I started out with a high hooking resin 16lb bowling ball for the first 3 games. I would get a strike every once in a while, only 2 in a row was my best! when I had a strike-less game that drew the line for me with resin balls! my high game was only 188 out of the first 3 games!

I switched to vis-a-Fun polyester balls same weight 16lbs: my first or 4th game was a NO-Tap 300 game but only a 227 game because I missed a 1 pin spare!! I had the front 5 or a Yahtzee! I was throwing the ball the same as before, NOT sure why my Acracy became way better with a polyester plastic ball? my next or 5th game I also had a Yahtzee but then I blew it in my 6th game but still over all a 192.8 avg.

I guess the reason I can NOT be accrete with any ball that is made to hook is because I do not have the high back swing to get MPH on the ball because I bowl hook balls without my thumb in the ball & can NOT high swing the ball so my MPH drops to around 13 to 14 MPH. I had a 299 game in 2006 when I stopped bowling but I was using a resin 12lb ball with my thumb in the ball so I had an ok back swing & it just so happened the lanes changed to the way I was throwing my ball. this is why I have YET to come close to a 299. I never even thought of bowling again until I made some money in stocks in 2021. I never even watched bowling at all from 2006 to March 6 2021 (I never heard of Jason Belmonty) NOW it looks like Jason is the KING of bowling & Anthony Simonsen & some of the older Pro-Bowler like Shawn Rash who was the FIRST Pro-Bowler to get 2 televised 300 games. most Pro-bowlers have MANY 300 games but NOT in a televised world wide PBA championship. Jason Belmonte was the last or the 4th bowler to do it. Shawn Rash was the FIRST though!!

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