Heal Yourself, Heal the World: The Legacy of Dr. Max Gerson (2014)

1 year ago

Finally, all of the Gerson Information in One Movie. Join Howard Straus (author, scientist, son of Charlotte Gerson and grandson of Dr. Max Gerson) for an in-depth examination of the Gerson Therapy — how it works, the science behind it and why it works. Heal Yourself Heal the World is a new review of the Gerson Therapy.

This retelling of the story includes historical information on Dr. Max Gerson never before presented on film; in-depth explanations from scientists, researchers, and nutritional experts on the science behind the Gerson Therapy; reports from doctors who use the Gerson Therapy to heal their patients; and personal stories form Gerson patients who healed themselves of cancer and other diseases using the Gerson Therapy.

The life story of Dr. Gerson, his development of the life saving Gerson Therapy and the information regarding why it works.

Gerson Therapy hospitals have a history going back in the 1920s when a young German doctor named Max Gerson developed the Gerson-Sauerbruch-Hermannsdorfer diet while looking for ways to treat his own intense migraine headaches. He later used this method to treat tuberculosis and eventually began getting success with cancer patients.

The Gerson Method, also known as “The Gerson Therapy”, is a natural treatment regimen that calls upon the body’s own powerful potential to heal itself. By adhering to a strict organic, plant-based diet, consuming large amounts of raw, cold-pressed juices, and performing daily coffee enemas, the protocol aims to activate your body’s ability to fight disease.

So what makes Gerson Therapy different?
While other nutritional regimens may appear as similar to the Gerson Therapy, what sets this method apart is that it aims to target all areas in the entire body, for healing. An increasing build-up of toxins, combined with increasingly poor nutrition, was what Dr. Gerson discovered to be the cause for many debilitating diseases. This is why the Gerson Method is so powerful. It doesn’t just aim to target specific symptoms or heal one specific disease or ailment, it aims to target the restoration of the body's own powerful healing system, in which nothing can be removed, omitted or sick, without affecting the rest of the body too.

Unfortunately, the causes are everywhere around us, and increasingly so, with every passing day. Every day, we are living in and around toxins and carcinogens, while the foods we eat do not sustain healthy immune systems and bodily functions. The causes are in the (processed, lab designed) "foods" that we eat, in the air we breath, and in the water we drink, and use when we wash our dishes, clothes, and bodies. Then we consume immune degenerative toxins in the medicines that we take, the list is long..

Using the enhanced Gerson method is combatting such an overload of toxins, while flooding the body with nutrients from fresh, organic, juices. Because juices don’t contain fiber, they are easier on the digestive system and can go straight into the bloodstream. They provide the body with a mega-dose of vitamins, enzymes, nutrients and minerals. As the nutrients from the juice regenerate the damaged body tissue, the coffee enemas stimulate liver detoxification.

🎥 Watch: A WAKE UP CALL The Gerson Miracle - Dr. Max Gerson's Vision for Natural Healing (2004)
🎥 Watch: Dying To Have Known (2006) - Preventing & Healing Cancer & Chronic Disease with The Gerson Therapy
🎥 Watch: THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH On Healing Our Bodies & Curing Cancer - Gerson Therapy (2008 Full Length)
🎥 Watch: The Gerson Therapy -- Interview with Howard Straus. Learn from Marcus Freudenmann, creator of Cancer is Curable Now, and Howard Straus, from the Gerson institute, how to apply the Gerson Therapy
🎥 Watch: The Gerson Therapy - Charlotte Gerson on Cancer I College of Naturopathic Medicine - The acclaimed Charlotte Gerson delivers a 3-hour long talk on the Gerson Therapy at CNM - LONDON

🎥 Watch: Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--and How to Get Better -- Joseph Mercola interviews Sally K. Norton

🎥 Watch Episode 1: The Truth About Cancer -- Episode 1 -- The True History Of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
🎥 Watch Episode 2: The Truth About Cancer -- Episode 2 -- Cancer-Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils
🎥 Watch Episodes 3 through 9: The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest Episodes 3 Through 9 - Let Food Be Thy Medicine

🎥 Watch Episode 1: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 1- JAPAN | The Land of the Rising Sun
🎥 Watch Episode 2: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 2 | TAIWAN The Beautiful Island
🎥 Watch Episode 3: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 3 | PHILIPPINES Pearl of the Orient Seas
🎥 Watch Episode 4: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 4 | SINGAPORE The Lion City
🎥 Watch Episode 5: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 5 | MALAYSIA The Land of Indigenous Malay
🎥 Watch Episode 6: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 6 | THAILAND - The Land of Smiles
🎥 Watch Episode 7: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 7 | INDIA - The Land of Jambu Trees

🎥 Watch: The Truth About Cancer Documentary - Interview with Dr Rath and Dr Niedzwiecki

Dr. Matthias Rath and Dr. Alexandra Niedzwiecki have been featured in the online documentary “The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest” by Ty Bollinger. In this very revealing interview, recorded in Heerlen The Netherlands, together they elaborate on The Truth About Cancer, the defining of disease as a market place, the direct relations to developments in WW2, like IG-Farben, Bayer, Hoechst AG, and the Codex Alimentarius, in an old and perpetual globalist war on our human health.

After having listened to this interview, many things that you may not have connected before, now paint the picture of the real nature of the enemy of humanity, that are now closer than ever, to fulfill their hundreds of years old agenda and plan.
🎥 Watch: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up - Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

Breaking News: FDA Lifts Ban On Burzynski

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.

His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009. The FDA proceeded to place a hold on any further trials, until now…

The Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. announced that the FDA has notified the company that its partial clinical hold on its IND for Antineoplastons A10/AS2-1 Injections has been lifted. The FDA has determined that under its IND the Company may initiate its planned Phase 3 study in newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic, brainstem glioma. The Company is continuing discussions with the Agency in an effort to finalize additional details of the phase 3 study protocol for the potential clinical trial.

The FDA's decision to lift the clinical hold marks on an important step in the development of Antineoplastons for the treatment of various forms of brain tumors in the US. At the same time, the Company is evaluating possible next steps for the Antineoplastons clinical program given the current progress and anticipated resource requirements of the ongoing program.

Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company committed to developing treatment for cancer based on genomic and epigenomic principles. Research and development efforts are focused on basic research and phase 3 clinical trials, particularly in the treatment of brain tumors and other forms of cancer.

Another proven cure for cancer and many many many other diseases and ailments is hemp oil. Nowadays, CBD oil is approved for sale and use in many countries, but only when the amount of THC it contains is negligible. And the reason for this, is that THC cures cancer, and is extremely beneficial in the treatment of virtually everything else. And this is then also the obvious reason why all corrupt corporate globalists controlled "governments" in the world, have outlawed the sale of THC. If every human in the world would have free access to THC, then it appears to be a safe conclusion, that there would be NO DISEASE in the world. And obviously, this would be the end of Big-Pharma and their myriads of extremely profitable scams and crimes, that are rendering people dependent on their toxins. And thus, THC is forbidden for sale.

In these two videos hereunder, Rick Simpson details and explains all about it, PLUS he also makes a batch of hemp oil, showing us & detailing to us all, how we can make the Hemp Oil Cure ourselves!
🎥 Watch: Run From the Cure - The Rick Simpson Story Full
🎥 Watch: Rick Simpson on Cannabis Extracts CBD/THC and This World's Corrupt Governments

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