Always Willing To Learn & Grow

2 years ago

In Georgia, Transforming Truth’s home state, the largest piece of granite in existence rises high above the earth. Stone Mountain just appears like a big rock to most, but it not only rises high above the ground, most of it is underground and cannot be seen. This giant piece of rock sits unchanged year after year. Hard as granite, gray and cold and totally immovable, Stone Mountain is a permanent fixture in the Georgia landscape. It just sits there, never changing. Christians, if they are not wise, can become just like this. Immovable, unchangeable, cold and hard, with most of what they are made of lying well beneath the surface. This message takes Paul’s words to a younger Timothy and calls us all to get going, keep moving, never stop growing and live with the spiritual heat and fire which God has given us. When we get stuck in our journey, we need words like this to remind us who we are in Christ and not waste another day in an idleness that makes no sense for the followers of Jesus.

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