Positioned To Know God's Will

2 years ago

All Christians desire to honor God by understanding His will for their lives and then faithfully living it out. Some of those very same Christians struggle to have confidence that they are rightly discerning God’s will. They can become anxious in times of decision making - What do I do? Where do I go? How do I respond? What does God desire? While these anxious moments about discerning His will are born from a sincere desire to do the right thing, it is nonetheless a heavy weight if we do not know how to trust what we believe is His voice. Scripture is actually filled with many verses that state, “this is the will of the Lord…” If we can obey the clearly revealed will of God in scripture, then we are powerfully positioned to know God’s will that isn’t addressed in Scripture, This Truth Shot episode helps us to be best positioned to hear the voice of God, recognize it and obey it with confidence.

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