How to Start Working on UpWork with any Skill Set in 2022 (FOR BEGINNERS)

2 years ago

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Getting started on UpWork can be confusing with all the different options and new jobs systems. This video shows you a strategy to help you get started. I chose to start as a virtual assistant, and highly recommend you do too!

This is for those who are completely new to UpWork or those who want to know HOW TO GET JOBS in your specific field much quicker!

People ask me all the time about how I started working on Upwork, and it was basically a gradual process. You have to start somewhere, so what I'm going to do in this quick video is share some of the basic things that you need to do, in order to get your foot in the door.

First thing is to build up a short work history if you haven't done so already. With those (hopefully 5-star review) references as a virtual assistant, you can then start positioning yourself as a specialist in your field of expertise.



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