This is how Eagles hunt Their Prey! No Mercy - eagle hunting

1 year ago

Eagles are the kings of the sky, and they never leave their prey in the hands of fate. Instead, they swoop in and attack their prey for a great feast. These birds don’t even leave wolves.
Here are the top instances where the eagles attacked many animals for a delicious feast.

The Lucky Wolf
Sometimes, eagles can miss their targets, too, and that is what happened here. The eagle swooped in and grabbed the wolf by the neck, but he was lucky because the bird missed. The wolf saw this as an opportunity, and he got up and ran away as fast as he could.

The Little Wolf And The Eagle
As you can see, the little wolf is trying to run away as fast he can, but he doesn't realize that an eagle has significant flying speed too. Unfortunately, the wolf had nowhere to go because there weren't any trees or bushes around. The eagle was in plain sight, and so was the wolf.

The Adult Wolf And The Eagle
While this adult wolf is much bigger than the little one we saw before, it is still scared to death of the eagle. The bird grabbed it by the neck, and the adult wolf did not let the eagle have it so easy as he fought back. Both the animals struggled for a bit as the wolf tried to get out of its talons.
However, the eagle did not give any more room for struggle and killed the wolf after a few minutes of struggle. At least, the wolf tried to escape and gave some fight to the eagle. But, in the end, the eagle mostly wins.

The Deer Chronicles
Eagles also attack deers because they make for a nice and fleshy meal. Deers are incredibly fast when it comes to running, but they underestimate the speed of the eagle too. This deer was also running for his life, but the eagle swooped in and managed to grab him. If that was not enough, the eagle even dragged the deer for a while before it began feasting on it. Unfortunately, it was not a lucky day for this deer, and he ended up as a meat feast for the eagle.

Attack On The Monkeys
If you are not familiar with the workings of the animal kingdom, you probably don’t know that eagles attack monkeys too. In fact, monkeys are a primary food source for these birds because they are highly visible and easy to hunt. As you can see, this monkey fell prey to the eagle, and it mercilessly feasted on the monkey. The monkey struggled for a while, but unfortunately, it could not break away from the strong and might grip of the eagle. Finally, the monkey caved in because it could not do anything, and the eagle enjoyed its meal.

Never Steal Food From An Eagle
The animal kingdom is brutal, and all animals will do anything they can to get food for the day. However, this coyote learned its lesson that it should never steal food from an eagle, no matter how hungry they are. The eagle started attacking the coyote because no one could touch its food. They struggled for a few minutes, and the coyote finally learned the lesson of stealing food from the eagle. Fortunately, the eagle was in a good mood, and it only wanted to shoo the coyote away so it could eat its meal in peace. If the eagle had been in attack mode, the coyote would not have survived.

The Fall Of The Animals
One thing you probably don't know about eagles is that when prey is too large for them, they drop it from the air to kill it. Yes, that allows the animal to be crushed without much effort, and the eagle can feast on it in peace. That is what happened to this poor animal when the eagle dropped it from the sky so it could die. Look at the horror on the faces of other animals as they watch eagles and their cruel behavior. No one is safe in the animal kingdom, as it is all about survival

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