The Spectrum Of Salvation

2 years ago

Most Christians think of salvation as a singular event which occurred for them at some point in their past when they repented of their sin and placed their faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for them upon the cross. This is where they experienced His forgiveness and were brought into the family of God by God’s grace. This is a valid way of viewing the moment of salvation, yet many do not understand that this was merely the beginning of them being saved. That event describes the moment of their justification, but did you know that there are two more components of what the bible describes as the salvation of a human soul? In this message, we will learn more about all three components that take place for the believer along the spectrum of salvation. We begin with justification; we continue in sanctification, and we conclude with glorification. All three of these elements comprise the full redemption of the sinner as God brings them into the fullness and finality of the salvation bought for them by the blood of Jesus Christ.

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