Unity & Glory

2 years ago

Jesus’ longest recorded prayer is found in John 17, and He had two main things about which He was praying to the Father. Jesus talked about the glory in the Godhead and the unity in the Body of Christ. From His words, we learn that He made those two things permanently intertwined. His glory will be more greatly manifested through our own growing unity in the Church. If unity is contaminated, His manifest glory is dimmed on earth. Over and over, the Scriptures magnify the need for Christians to pursue deeper oneness with each other. Because we are all very different, this is impossible to succeed at without the help of Holy Spirit. To grow in unity, we must deny ourselves, prefer others and move together in committed love and purpose. It all begins with a sobering awareness of what Jesus expects from all of His followers. That awareness leads to humility which leads to unity…which leads to His glory on earth.

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