Returning, Reclaiming, Regaining

2 years ago

It may be that we are living in a generation of Christians who have forgotten that the Scriptures present us with a God who actually watches over our lives. God is interested and aware of how we are living. He cares deeply that our lives as individuals and also as the gathered church bring Him glory. Our thoughts, words, actions are witnessed by God as He daily guides and governs us. Our pursuits and priorities matter to Him. Mostly, He analyzes whether or not His children are still living with a prioritized first-love for Him and His will. Jesus’ words to the church of Ephesus serve as a beautiful display of what this oversight from Heaven looks like. He connects, He affirms, He rebukes and He motivates this group of believers who were living in a culture that wanted nothing to do with their King. This message will help us discern if He is saying similar things to His people today. Can we receive His affirmation, His correction and His motivation? It is clear from Jesus’ own words that we can and that we must.

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