Worshiping Against A Wall

1 year ago

“God will never give you more than you can handle!”

That declaration is a complete lie. God will REGULARLY more than you can handle. He will not, however, give you more than He can handle. Difficulty is meant to cultivate dependence. Trouble is meant to birth trust. Problems are meant to produce power. This is how God works on behalf of His children. He does not immunize any of us from difficulty. He joins us in it. One of the greatest illustrations of this principle is discovered in the life of ancient Israel as they found themselves terribly outmatched by opposing armies headed their way. God allowed the impossible circumstances in order to show them (and us!) some vital principles for overcoming the odds stacked against us. This is the first of a two-part message that will reveal some unorthodox strategies we can employ when the battle rages against us and our own breakthrough seems unlikely.

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