#080 What Does Biblical Femininity Look Like? A Response To Feminism and Transgenderism. FED

2 years ago

Modern Gender Theory comes from the American Left/European Right of the Early-Mid 20th Century out of the Frankfurt School in Germany. Critical Theory, in general, has left our culture with nothing more than broken lives and harmful ideologies. Where Critical Theory has touched the space of Womanhood, nothing but harm has been produced.It is interesting how Critical Theory has affected the two genders. Women are supposed to be more manly and men are supposed to be more womanly. While this has made both less happy, it seems to have a more obvious effect on women, in that women are now expected to entertain men in their spaces, think sports and bathrooms. While this is expected of men too, it is rarely an issue that affects men as adversely as it affects women.However, this phenomenon does present an interesting insight into what the world considers feminine. It is expected that the woman both be physically feminine, but performatively masculine. What I mean by that is women are both expected to attain the beauty standard physically, but to behave like working men, and the worst kind of sexualized stereotype of a man.The sweet humble spirit is considered internal misogyny, whereas brazen pride in one's womanhood, a superficial external characteristic, I would add, is glorified. Motherhood is shunned, and the unnatural lack of affection in abortion is championed. Chastity, just as it is in men, is shunned as square, and body count is a trophy to be touted.But is this natural? If not, is it harmful? Are we made to behave in this manner? What has this done to our familial structure, the traditional domain of the woman? Let's look to the Bible for our answers, although reality will also verify our Biblical priors here.First off, what does Genesis say about the creation of Woman?Genesis 2:18-25Who is Woman in this context? Where does she come from? The Foot? The Head? No, the rib! She is meant to stand beside the man as a help meet. This is no different than an IT technician and a Sales Rep working in the same firm. Is the IT Tech lower because they serve a different purpose in fixing the Sales Rep's computer? Maybe a poor analogy, but hopefully it gets across the point. We later see the woman taking up the affairs of home making and the man of providing. This is seen throughout scripture, but we also see the roles are not necessarily concrete.Note, that women are completely capable of stepping into the leadership position when men fail to be men. This is a failure on the man's part here in Judges 4, and God blesses the leadership of the righteous judge Deborah. However, this is not within the normative design of God. Men need to be men so that women can be women, and visa versa. When we fail to live up to our calling, God will use someone else, even if it's not God's best.In Proverbs 9 we see an example of a foolish woman, who may look familiar to a modern audience contrast this her the Proverbs 31 woman. One of these two destroys her family, the other completes the man in creating a family. Proverbs 31 is God's design for a woman. This woman in Proverbs 31 is not a doormat. She is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, fit, intelligent, honorable, and well respected pillar of her community. Does such a paragon exist in the Bible? Well quite a few, Ester, Ruth, Deborah, Joanna, and Priscilla to name a few.Complementarianism is often conflated with Egalitarianism, the two are quite similar. However, the primary difference between them is this: the average woman cannot lift as much as the average man, and the man cannot have babies, nor does the average man have the empathy of the average woman. This is Complementarianism, whereas pure literal Egalitarianism could be interpreted to deny these obvious facts. These differences, and many others, are primarily, or in some cases exclusively, driven by biology. The design of the Master Craftsman. In talking about Gender, it is important to also remember that God made you uniquely and intentionally you.Our gender, as much as anything else about us, is a gift from God to be enjoyed and used for His glory. Remember that.https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/mental-heath-of-men-and-boys/life-after-divorce-for-men-the-impact-on-mens-health/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/30/suicides-are-spiking-among-young-men/https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/Intellectual_Life/Stevenson_ParadoxDecliningFemaleHappiness_Dec08.pdfhttps://ifstudies.org/blog/counterintuitive-trends-in-the-link-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stabilityhttps://www.profgalloway.com/divorhttps://sites.utexas.edu/contemporaryfamilies/2018/10/08/premaritalcohabitation/ce/https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/a-woman-needs-a-man-like-a-fish-needs-a-bicycle.html#fed #christianity #furthereveryday #podcast #responsibility #listenable #america #feminism #biblicalwomanhood #biblicalworldview #biblicalcounseling #biblicalmarriage #bible #biblestudy #mgtow #apologetics #chrstian #

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