The barricades must stand!

1 year ago

The barricade is still standing and will remain until further notice, a lot of people have gathered, a team from RTS has arrived, a campfire has been lit... the atmosphere is pleasant with music...

Police officer Dejan Pantić, who was arrested on December 10 at the Jarinje administrative crossing and is still in custody, will be released from house arrest to defend himself.

Pantić will first be sent to the hospital, where his general condition will be monitored, given that he spent almost three weeks in Jarinje, at the Kosovo Police base.

The release of Dejan Pantić is the first demand of the Serbs from the north of Kosovo, who in protest erected barricades in several places, where they remain to this day.

The request for Pantić's release was also made publicly by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, who is in contact with Pantić's wife, Suzana Pantić, all the time.

This news comes after Vučić's talks with European and American representatives that lasted throughout the night.

Vucevic: No one is at war, but the army is determined to protect our homeland

💬 "We hope for a political agreement regarding the crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, but this does not mean moving the red lines for Serbia," said Defense Minister Miloš Vučević.

💬 "We will not abandon the red lines that provide security to Serbs," said Vucevic.

He emphasized that the Serbian army is ready to defend sovereignty and that he hopes that no one will check that determination.

💬 "We do not threaten with an empty gun. If the President of Serbia, as commander-in-chief, gives an order, the army will react," said Vučević.

As reported by Telegraf, Pristina asked the EU countries to take action against Serbia. In a three-page letter, the Albanians complain that Belgrade is behind the barricades, Serbia is causing war and "obstructing the bright European future" for Albanians.

A day earlier, the Albanian ambassadors sent a joint letter to Biden in which they demand that the US intervene urgently and put pressure on Serbia.

It seems the pompous statements "we will take action ourselves if KFOR and EULEX do nothing", "we have the strength to ensure the security of Kosovo" and other phrases about independence, strength and democracy are no longer valid for Albanians, history repeats itself too quickly these days.

▪️The former prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Avdulah Hoti, proposed to the government of Aljbin Kurti four actions to get out of, as he called it, "this trap of Serbia".

1. The action that should be taken, according to him, is the removal of barricades in the north in cooperation with Kfor;

2. The government should "persistently ask the EU and the USA to put pressure on Serbia not to hinder and endanger our citizens in passing through Serbia";

3. "Keep the peace strong. Show readiness for dialogue and peaceful solutions. Listen to the advice of friends on actions to be taken within the dialogue," Hoti wrote;

4. "Don't mention wars and conflicts. We paid dearly for the war, but we won it with the help of our friends. The risk is that we lose peace because of the loss of support from our friends," Hoti concluded.

According to unconfirmed information, the Albanians are planning to block Adm. the Končulj crossing, similar to last night's blockade of Merdara, which is still ongoing.
▪️Blocking this crossing would lead to a complete collapse in terms of transportation and transport of goods because the only "passable" crossing that remains is Lipovica (which is rarely used anyway).

KFOR: KBS cannot go north without our approval

"As for the Kosovo Security Forces (KBS), their deployment, according to existing agreements, requires the prior consent of the KFOR commander to go to the north of Kosovo. "KFOR, in accordance with its mandate, can engage with the legitimate representatives of the local community in the north of Kosovo within the framework of this reconciliation process," stated in the KFOR statement.

Petković: We received guarantees, the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija will talk to the president tonight about removing the barricades

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, said today that Belgrade received never stronger guarantees from the USA and the EU that the demands of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohia, which are why they are at the barricades, will be met.
He added that Vučić will take a helicopter to the administrative line this evening and that he will talk with Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija regarding the removal of the barricades, reports Tanjug.

Now they will celebrate a victory that does not exist on TV shows.
The people of Kosmet have been betrayed again!
The barricades must remain!

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