Rapture vs. Wrath Timing - Part 1

1 year ago

*The Antichrist's tax may be here disguised as a carbon tax
*Central Bank Digital Currency coming
*Timing of the rapture in relation to God's Wrath...you will be surprised.


Advertised as a way to stop crime, terrorism, inflation, increase privacy, lower transaction fees.

In reality, you will not own your own money. The central bank will. If they like you because you are the right race, you get more. If you’re the wrong race, you get less.
If you eat wrong, less. If you drive a fossil fuel car, less. They have complete control to give or take.

The CBDC is also trackable. All transactions are known. ALL!

It is also programable. It can be programmed so that If you don’t spend your allotted amount on food by a certain date it turns off and is worthless.

It can be programmed so that If you spend it on guns and ammo, it cannot work at all.

You will never be able to saved CBDC because it is not like our money today. It is digital, invisible, and you cannot see the ledger of what’s on it or edit that ledger. The central banks are the only ones who can see it and can edit to have absolute control of the entire world.

Rev 13:16-17 NASB And he causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, (17) and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

First will come as something cool to make like more convenient so you can voluntarily join in. Then it will become forced just as the Bible says when a crisis takes the world by storm like the announcement of an asteroid striking the earth just as it says in Rev 8,9.

What can you do? Learn how to live outside the system independent of this world as you can. Learn how to be “self-reliant” but really God-reliant. Live by faith!

Many financials folks advise getting precious metals.

Crypto is decentralized and may become the alternate form of money that those that rebel outside the system use. Crypto is the reason CBDC’s are being made; central banks feel their power to control is slipping away so their centralized currency gains control again but only if it is forced on everyone. However, crypto can be frozen as in the Canadians trucker’s accounts were frozen.

We may go back to bartering method of payments to survive without taking the mark. It is hard to say.

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