The Soul & Substance Dualism Part 4

1 year ago

The Soul & Substance Dualism (Part 4): The 2nd Issue of Contention- Addressing the Skeptics on The Nature of the Conscious Subject.

In Part 4, I look at 4 main arguments presented by Skeptics to advance a Counter-Soul or Counter-Substance Dualism position. These skeptical arguments include; i) The Problem of Dualism Interaction Argument, ii) Neuroscience Argument, iii) Evolution Inconsistency Argument and iv) Ockham’s Razor- the Simplicity Criterion Argument.

Next we turn to look at 4 of the Main physicalist theories as to how to answer the second issue of contention of the Mind-Body Problem on the nature of the conscious subject or substance. These options include; i) Animalism, ii) Material Constitutionalism, iii) The Brain View and iv) “4D” Worm Theory.

In assessing these physicalist arguments and theories, we find out just how badly skeptics fail to account for human consciousness!

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