Breaking News | Russia Launches Devastating Attack on Ukraine: See the Horrifying Footage | #shorts

1 year ago

Breaking News | "Russia Launches Devastating Attack on Ukraine: See the Horrifying Footage" | #shorts #news

The Ukraine military on Wednesday said Russian forces have stepped up mortar and artillery attacks on the recently liberated city of Kherson in southern Ukraine. Russia has fired 33 missiles from multiple rocket launchers at civilian targets in Kherson in the 24 hours, the military claimed. Russia is also exerting constant pressure along front lines in eastern Ukraine, it added.

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#Ukraine #Russia #Kherson #CivilianTargets #EasternUkraine #MortarAndArtilleryAttacks #MultipleRocketLaunchers #RecentlyLiberatedCity #Military #Pressure #Wednesday #24Hours #Missiles #topnews #nightlynews

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Civilian targets in Kherson

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