Green Smoothies - What Does the Science Say

1 year ago

#smoothies #smoothierecipes
Green Smoothies - What Does the Science Say

So here’s where we are in the 5-part smoothie series: In the first video Are Green Smoothies Good for You? ( I talked about the enhanced nutrient availability absorption. Then in Are Green Smoothies Bad for You? ( I raised the questions about teary-eyed gut flora and intact grains, beans, and nuts. Next comes Liquid Calories: Do Smoothies Lead to Weight Gain? ( and finally, The Downside of Green Smoothies (

The berry experiment I start out discussing is detailed in this video: If Fructose is Bad, What About Fruit? ( Is there any limit to whole fruit, though? See How Much Fruit is Too Much? (

Fructose bad? See:
• Apple Juice May Be Worse Than Sugar Water ( (though there is one Fruit Whose Juice Is Healthier
• How Much Added Sugar Is Too Much? (
• Big Sugar Takes on the World Health Organization (

Since just digesting food creates free radicals, we better be sure the food we eat is packed with antioxidants:
• Minimum “Recommended Daily Allowance” of Antioxidants (
• How to Reach the Antioxidant “RDA” (
• Antioxidant Rich Foods with Every Meal (

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