Beauty is Harmony | Predestination

2 years ago

The adventure of life is of multiplicity.

The only we can have an experience is to differentiate consciousness and awareness into subjects and object.

And then witness the interactions.

The purpose of the adventure is to expand the eternal awareness of Unity using a time process.

When we see Unity being represented by multiple things harmony with each other, this purpose of life is evoked in us as individuals.

The greater our experience in the adventure of multiplicity and the closer we are to our own personal Unity, the more we can perceive harmony in external things.

And the more we are in harmony with ourselves, the more we can produce external objects that reflect the unifying purpose of life to other consciousnesses.

This harmony is subjective but the degree of subjectivity is an objective measure of personal harmony.

Great beauty is great harmony and evokes the personal feeling of Unity in many subjective experiences.

Conflict is equally experienced subjectively and placed within an objective hierarchy.

What appears to be conflict at fine resolutions and small scales is resolved and redeemed into harmony, beauty at greater resolutions and large scales both in time and in space.

We value beauty correctly and morally as an indication of right, self-fulfilling, efficient, harmonious behavior.

Ugliness is the perception of conflict either in proper proportion or in components.

All conflict and ugliness is appropriated and redeemed over time and in space through grand unifying Beauty.

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