03 RELATIONS Learn to code TML 🛰️

2 years ago

💡Key Pointers:
✔️ Relations are tables.
✔️ Entities are columns in a table.
✔️ Entities are unnamed and ordered.
✔️ Facts are rows on a table.
✔️ Facts are unordered.

💯We learned some keywords
🚀1. Relationship between Fact, Relation, and Entities
🚀2. Cartesian Product
🚀3. Relational structure/database

🤔 For the next video, we will learn how to use the Cartesian Product.
1. Visualizing in finding the reach-ability matrix.
2. How to use Python, Networkx, Excel spreadsheet, Jupyter Notebook and TML and do Data Visualization.
3. BONUS: Excel Formulas for Data Manipulation
4. BONUS: Discover your name in graphs and see what kind of graph it looks like after performing Transitive Closure of a graph.
5. BONUS: Downloadable file for you to play with.


I am just a community member, a Tauist, with my personal initiative 😇😇😇
and trying my best to give value to the world. 🌏💪🕊
I believe TML (tau meta language) will be the future Internet of Language. 💫✨

🧀Test it.
🔗 tml.idni.org
📄Abstract: Draft for Community Review
😼Published codes
🔗 github.com/IDNI/TML
🌐Website of tml
🔗 tau.net/
👨‍🏫Tutorial Videos of TML
✈️Telegram community

💎Many thanks to the following;
🎥Photo by Kelly L: https://www.pexels.com/photo/modern-storage-of-many-colorful-cargo-containers-6572534/

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