America – war for its soul

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1 year ago

America – war for its soul
By Terry A. Hurlbut
America became a battleground long ago, with a dangerous kind of “internationalist” seeking to destroy her soul. That war has entered its end stage, with the infiltration of nearly all of America’s institutions by her spiritual enemies. Now Americans face a choice: to recognize American exceptionalism and greatness, or consign themselves to slavery under “internationalist” rule. And the rest of humanity must make their own decisions between sovereignty and nonentity.
Where America once stood
The United States of America is the product of centuries of development, and fidelity to a common theme. True enough, not even all the original thirteen States began as English colonies. (New York began as New Netherland, and the British spun off New Jersey from New York after acquiring it.) But faithful Christians founded the first colonies in each of the three original regions. That includes the Captain John Smith expedition (Virginia), the Pilgrims and Puritans (Massachusetts), and William Penn (Pennsylvania). The influence of these three groups of founders affected all the rest.
This applied also to higher education. The first colleges in what became the United States were all religious colleges. That included especially Harvard (Cambridge, Massachusetts) and Yale (New Haven, Connecticut). This also applied to the College of William and Mary, after that Glorious Revolution that installed those two as King and Queen of England.
The communist threat
But in the nineteenth century, a threat appeared that few appreciated at the time. The threat came from a dangerous philosophy that denies God and proposed bondage of all to all. Of the two rival proponents of this philosophy, Karl Marx posed the obvious threat. He proposed the violent overthrow of government and economy by workers as a class. Antonio Gramsci has a more subtle plan, as subtle as the original Snake in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). He proposed subverting a country’s institutions and taking it over from within.
Neither man lived to see the fruition of his ideas. But Karl Marx’ spiritual disciples the Bolsheviks did bring about their violent revolution, in Russia. That experiment lasted for more than seventy years before at last collapsing of its own weight. During that time, at least two of Lenin’s successors behaved in a manner that made the threat too obvious. Leon Trotsky explicitly sought to export the Communist revolution worldwide. But a paranoiac man named Josef Vissarionovich Jughashvili, who took the name Stalin (literally, steel), outmaneuvered him, exiled him, and then sent a squad to eliminate him. Thereafter Russia concentrated on defense. Stalin was brutal but not quite an empire builder. But when he died, his successor Nikita Khrushchev did try to build a world empire. As such he provoked fear and loathing in America, far more than Stalin did.
Gramsci’s successors have had better success. They have infiltrated out institutions.
Where America stands today
Today America is balancing on a knife edge. The institutional infiltration has moved to the point at which the infiltrators feel bold enough to strike.
The universities are among the worst, because they are supposed to train the country’s leaders. But to them, the very name of America is a name they wish never to hear spoken. Stanford University, for example, has published a glossary of “harmful language” for its students. They instruct students never to refer to an American as an American. Use the term “United States citizen” instead, they insist, as if anyone ever had any confusion on this point. (Source: The Daily Mail, as cited at CNAV.)
But the infiltration extends also to the middle and elementary schools. Gramsci introduced the concept Critical Theory, and his successors have incorporated this into school curricula. These schools frankly teach their pupils to hate their own bodies – hence “gender affirming care,” often without parental notice. They also teach them to hate one another along racial or gender lines. (But how will that work out if they make gender totally fluid? They won’t say.) And finally they encourage pupils to hate America – and to think of God as Non-existent.
The church has not escaped, either. The notion that Jesus is a Socialist crept into the church long ago. But worse was the deliberate discouragement of Christians to do anything political at all. (And also to let the government handle most charity – a forced charity, through taxation.)
Control of media
Nor have the infiltrators stopped there. They had to seize the media, or else good adversarial journalists would take alarm and expose them. So the media – at least the legacy media – are perfectly copacetic with all these trends.
An alternative media sprung up with the invention of the World Wide Web. The invention of social media gave the best hope that anyone could be a journalist, with minimal equipment. But the infiltrators, having seized the American intelligence community, moved to tame the social media also. The Twitter Files describe this, one recent installment hinting at the scope (larger than Twitter or one agency). At first the legacy media ignored or tried to “spike” that story. When that failed, they actually tried to deny it. Leighton Woodhouse details this, and cites the Cable News Network as a booby-prize example.
Of course what CNN won’t admit is that they are completely copacetic with it. They marched straight down the line with a tame version of events that paralleled completely the sanitized “news” that was all one could find on Twitter and other conventional social media.
More recently, Alternative Media II has sprung up, generally with closely held ownership and sometimes with fully independent infrastructure. Elon Musk’s buy-out of Twitter – taking it private, to boot – has the infiltrators fearing total disaster.
What sort of America would the infiltrators want?
Why does any of this matter? To answer that, one can readily infer what sort of America they want. Actually, they don’t want America to exist at all – so let us imagine a world without it. Everything that follows, follows logically from various university and political programs and policies.
First, the United States of America as we know it will simply not exist. A new ecological movement called rewilding will produce a North America (called Aztlán) that will look vaguely like the modified “Jesusland Map.” Except that, instead of “Jesusland,” North America will feature Protected Wild Space – a region literally restored to the status quo ante any human habitation.
Everything outside this space – including the West Coast, the northern East Coast, and the Great Lakes Region – would be a thoroughly “woke” society. It would not even call itself America or American, but something to evoke “indigenous people”: New Aztlán, the New Aztec Empire. In that society, not only would gender be fluid, but only those who had “transitioned” would be considered “cool.” Society would look down on cis-gendered, straight people, calling them “breeders.”
Alaska would merge with what is now literally called Inuit Nunangat, the former Northwest Territories of Canada. It, too, would go “wild.”
A “hyperloop” based railway line would connect Rio de Janeiro to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, along a Great Circle course. Branches would reach out to other cities (Buenos Aires, Le Havre, New Delhi, etc.). Hawaii would become an indigenous-only Kingdom. (No flights allowed!)
Will Americans fight to prevent this?
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Texas) once stopped the ratification of a United Nations treaty that would have produced something like “Protected Wild Space.” Dr. Michael S. Coffman projected, on a U.S. map, the consequences of that and other treaties. The Senate listened and did not muster the two-thirds to ratify the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
Senator Hutchinson is gone. Are the two present Senators from Texas made of similar stern stuff?
For four years, Donald J. Trump gave Americans a taste, not only of freedom but of American greatness. The internationalists made sure, even if only by the machinations the Twitter Files reveal, to prevent his re-election. They have now grown bolder, changing elections in key States beyond all recognition.
With this, CNAV hopes to show the stakes. America stands between the internationalists and their goal of a world without America, under their dictatorship. Only American patriots can make sure our country will remain standing.
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