Happy Mayflower Day! Can I recommend a book?

1 year ago

OTD in 1620, the Mayflower and her crew + passengers set sail in earnest for the New World. I've come to love these people as I've read more about their stories, their fortitude, and their faith. Here's a list of books I've read over the last couple of years that I hope you'll enjoy.

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MAYFLOWER by Nathaniel Philbrick https://www.amazon.com/Mayflower-Story-Courage-Community-War/dp/0143111973/

THE MAYFLOWER AND HER PASSENGERS by Caleb H. Johnson https://www.amazon.com/Mayflower-Her-Passengers-Caleb-Johnson/dp/1599264005/

A STRANGER AMONG SAINTS by Jonathan Mack https://www.amazon.com/Stranger-Among-Saints-Survived-Jamestown/dp/1641605987

THE PILGRIM HYPOTHESIS by Timothy Ballard https://www.amazon.com/Pilgrim-Hypothesis-Timothy-Ballard/dp/1524412821

OF PLYMOUTH PLANTATION by William Bradford https://www.amazon.com/Plymouth-Plantation-Modern-English/dp/1720937567

1620: A CRITICAL RESPONSE TO THE 1619 PROJECT by Peter Wood https://www.amazon.com/1620-True-Beginning-American-Republic/dp/1641771240

The "Mayflower Passengers" poster (and my video on it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA1rY4gdQgs&t=588s )

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