Supreme Court Saves Trump’s Title 42, 3979

2 years ago

The United States Supreme Court ruled today that the Biden Administration must keep Title 42, a Trump-era policy that allows expulsion of most illegal immigrants streaming across the U.S./Mexico border.


Title 42 was supposed to end on Dec. 21, after a federal judge in Washington, D.C. ordered it, but the Supremes stepped in at the last minute to put a temporary halt to its elimination the day before – that’s Dec. 21st – after 19 Republican state attorneys general asked the Court to intervene on an emergency basis to stop the impending super-surge in immigrants from around the world.

Today, the Court decided to put off a final decision on Title 42 until after a formal session of oral arguments in February. A final decision in the case is expected in June.

Title 42 restrictions on illegal immigration were implement by the Trump administration in the spring of 2020, on the basis of halting a public health emergency due to a high percentage of illegals carried COVID.


I’m still reporting near the citadel of world freedom, good day.

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