Woe unto false prophets, watchmen and those saying Jesus is coming years from now

2 years ago

Jesus is not coming months and years from now but He is ready to grab His bride!! The bride and the Holy Spirit have to be removed so the 7 year tribulation will begin and the antichrist will take over, Jesus is over with the lying so called false prophets saying that Jesus is not coming and that the bride has to suffer!! They love just making stuff up or saying God told me it is not the appointed time, nope it is, at any second the trumpet will sound and thousands of people will just be gone, but all the wicked, lukewarm phony church people and pastors, lying false prophets and those who got the vaccines will all be left behind! God sees everything and He is very angry, so false prophets saying Jesus is not coming from years from now you are wrong you lying serpents, watch and be ready for you do not know what hour I will come and if the master finds His servant not ready he will be beaten with many blow's, the antichrist government is being set up now and dumb people are getting the vaccines and to stupid and blind to see it is the mark of the beast!! Time is up

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