Russian casualties top 100,000 - 660 Russian soldiers killed yesterday - new figures

2 years ago

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The Ukrainian Armed Forces Chief of Staff said Thursday that more than 100,000 troops have been lost since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February. In the last 24 hours he has killed 660 Russian soldiers.
As for military equipment, since February Russia has lost more than 3,000 of her tanks, about 6,000 other armored vehicles, and 1,978 of her artillery systems in Ukraine. On December 21, 5 Russian drones, 6 artillery systems and 1 aircraft were destroyed. The General Staff also said the Russian military launched six rocket attacks, 15 airstrikes and 64 multi-missile system attacks against Ukraine on Monday. The Kremlin has yet to comment on Ukrainian news about Russian casualties.
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Ukraine, Russia, Putin, Patler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelensky, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadyrov army, Kadyrov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkov, Ukrainian pilots, Wagner, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, moscow, kremlin, war victims ukraine,

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