The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 261 - The Image!

1 year ago

** Note: At the 7:35 minute mark should be 70% of people.

In this video i want to look primarily at the IMAGE of the Beast described in Revelation 13:14-15. Many people don’t appear to understand what this IMAGE is. I have talked about this in other videos but i haven’t done a video specifically about this topic. A failure to understand WHAT the IMAGE is will result in deception. The IMAGE has the power to both SPEAK and demand WORSHIP and to KILL those that refuse. This is SERIOUS! Any enquiring mind wanting to know the truth MUST get to grips with this IMAGE of the Beast and understand it OR it may result in their death. Serious stuff indeed! The word worship in Greek is “Proskynéō” (from prós meaning "towards" and kyneo meaning "to kiss") – meaning properly, to kiss the ground when prostrating before a superior; to worship, ready "to fall down/prostrate oneself to adore on one's knees" (DNTT); to "do obeisance" (BAGD). "The basic meaning of (proskynéō), in the opinion of most scholars, is to kiss. While this is true, (proskynéō) suggests the willingness to make all necessary physical gestures of obeisance. This is exactly what people are doing who OBEY the orders of the IMAGE. They are KISSING it and thus WORSHIPPING it! They are PHYSICALLY offering their ARMS and HEADS to be TESTED and INJECTED with the Beasts Nano Technology. These are physical “GESTURES OF OBEISANCE” or OBEDIENCE!

Learn more at:

How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

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