I hate my channel's name (but there's a reason for it....)

1 year ago

this is a video on my channel's name and the reason it came to be (other than just making it up when i made the channel xD)

basically the reason the channel has the name sadistic energy is because reality is often full of truths than one must face while in the process of self improvement (now if you're on the traditional path you at some point will encounter the pills)

these are the most common self improvement pills
Blue Pill = I have flaws which I can accept (self acceptance)
Red Pill = I have flaws that I can Improve (Self Improvement)
Black Pill = Looks,Reputation & Status are what gives you worth

these 3 over time have developed a cult-like following with most people not in active self improvement considered (blue pill),those that aren't happy in life and decided to improve it (red pill) & those that tried to improve and realized that just improvement wasn't enough and fell into the abyss of hopelessness that is the black pill

I think all have strengths that if taken into account can shape you into the confident version of yourself you want to be (and the blackpill "truths" play a big key role in that because in order to improve something you must understand it and accept the points of views it offer)

and thus that is my goal with the channel (i want to take all of the lessons all these pills and others that have gone on this path and craft a version of what it means to be the ideal version of youself) this is my own personal goal as well

knowing truths from all these mindsets can be sad but in that sadness there is energy which if chanelled into youself correctly can be very powerfull (therefore the name SadisticEnergy)

anyways I should of cleared my thought a bit more before making this video so here is a clearer explanation of what I had in mind xD

Thanks for watching and see you guys on the next video!

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