Seventh Day Adventist Counterfeit Mark of the Beast

2 years ago

The Seventh Day Adventists teach that worshipping God on Sunday is the Mark of the Beast. I contend that Ellen G. White and her followers are barking up the wrong tree as far as the Mark of the Beast is concerned. Though my fellow Christians are now arguing at what point a person has taken the Mark that the Pandemic has ushered in, at least they are barking up the right tree. Unfortunately I still see many of my fellow Christians peddling the idea that Sunday worship is a sin, and actually causing much division. The purpose of this video is for you to see that the SDA movement is a dangerous cult and that Ellen G. White is a false prophet who preaches a works salvation that puts people back under the law. She is involved in esoteric New Age practices and her writings reek of Freemason teachings. For documentation of some of the items in this video visit my website at:

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