Ep. 002: Having A Budget And A Program

1 year ago

We appreciate you returning for Episode 2! In this episode, Nick and Ted look at the parallels between planning and having a budget for your finances and a program for your lifting. Nick guides the listeners through the backplanning that goes into a personal budget and how he tracks his spending. Make sure you listen all the way through the wealth portion of this episode so you don’t miss Nick giving out a FREE downloadable budget template, which can be found on our website here: https://weightsandwealth.com/free-resources . In the second half of the episode, the weights portion, Ted explains the cruciality of being on a properly written program before Nick and Ted discuss some common red flags with online programs and fitness influencers. Ted also breaks down how creatine helps you in the gym in simple to understand terms-no science background required. For links to studies, articles, etc. mentioned in the episode, go to the show notes tab on our website: www.weightsandwealth.com .

1:57-Planning A Budget
2:47-Fixed Costs
3:28-Discretionary Spending
4:00-Tracking Spending
5:40-Spending & Budgeting Rules Of Thumb
9:40-Download A Budget!
10:30-Having A Lifting Program
11:20-Progressive Overload
13:15-How To Find A Program
14:00-Red Flag #1: Too Much Volume
16:25-Red Flag #2: No Periodization
19:00-How To Know When To Change It Up
20:15-Red Flag #3: No Rest Period & Circuit Workouts
22:08-3 Minute Rest Periods Study
23:30-Finding A Coach You Can Trust
25:15- @EricBugera and @MindPumpMedia on Instagram

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Twitter: @podcastwandw
TikTok: @weightsandwealth
YouTube: Weights & Wealth (@weightsandwealthpodcast)
Website: www.weightsandwealth.com

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