"People would rather give up thinking than be ostracized. For some people, that's like death."

2 years ago

Dr. Tom Cowan explains:

"That's how cult leaders do it. They humiliate you. They isolate you. They shame you. They bully you and they confuse you with concepts. Inevitably, to be part of the group, you have to stop thinking, so people do. They would rather give up thinking than be ostracized. For some people that's like death."

The lady who was one of the few to survive Jonestown explains why people followed cult leader Jim Jones:

"I believe we all are looking for a place to fit into this world. We're looking for love, we're looking for acceptance, and Jim Jones provided that."

Jim Jones met a core unmet need (belonging, acceptance, love), but *only* if you obeyed his dictates. Those who did not obey his dictates could probably count on humiliation, isolation, shaming, bullying, confusion. He knew exactly how to wield both the most powerful psychosocial carrot and the most powerful psychosocial stick.

The brain washing orchestrated by cult leaders and their lackeys is ubiquitous, as shown nicely by the updated fragment of They Live.


Dr. Sam Bailey interviews dr. Thomas Cowan: Pandemic Of Not Thinking

Jonestown documentary

They Live (longer fragment)

Dr. Sam Bailey

Dr. Thomas Cowan

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