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Military Briefs President Trump on Clone Crisis + Report: Clones Are Imperfect and Detectable

1 year ago

1. President Donald J. Trump seemed unsurprised Thursday morning when General David H. Berger briefed him on the White Hat’s latest find—a Deep State cloning lab in the Ozarks, a source in the general’s office told Real Raw News. + 2. The Fauci who went to GITMO in April had a 1” circular birth mark on his left thigh, whereas the clone did not. He also had a birthmark on his right shoulder blade, but the clone did not. Both clones’ adult teeth had not fully developed–they were missing both upper and lower second molars; medical staff found no signs of extractions.


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  • I asked my ophthalmologist one time, maybe 2 years ago, about clones. He said he had no idea what I was talking about. I told him you’re a smart man, I can’t believe you don’t know about cloning. Now, I wonder about that conversation, finding out what I know. I think he knew he just wasn’t saying.