Saturn You Little Devil! Saturn rules by controling with Fear!

1 year ago

Saturn wants to control, and be in charge, making us work out the hell part of life, to transform! Delays, restrictions, limitations, rules, hierarchy,....
Saturn teaches us we must figure things out from a perspective of caring for the physical side of life. What is born, will die on the physical plane. How we venture through that journey is Saturn Driven.
Saturn has taught me Hell from the physical perspective, to then transform and understand the heaven so to speak.
Ancient knowledge is found when uncovering saturn and how it works. You are here at this time because you are very advanced. Reveal what you think, feel and know, we all need it!
I took the part of the day for the Sagittarius transit by sun. (24 hours/12 houses) gives you your daily sun transit by house for a daily rhythm.

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