10 Fake Towns With Intriguing Backstories

2 years ago

According to the story, Catherine II set out in 1787 to visit the newly conquered Crimea. She was Catherine's lover, the man who brought Crimea to the Russian Empire, Grigory Potemkin, who wanted to impress his beloved. But the country was in poverty and ruin.

According to legend, in order not to disappoint Catherine, Grigory decided to build attractive-looking fake villages along the route. Grigory repainted the facade of the building. Herds of animals were carried along trails, giving the impression that the countryside was teeming with cattle, actual wheat sacks filled with sand were presented, and farmers were encouraged to smile and stand by the roadside.

Katherine allegedly walked past the show, unaware that she had been deceived, and the term "Potemkin Village" was born. Historians have since debunked this myth. But the term has stuck and Potemkin Village is what we call these fake towns designed to look like real places.

Take a look at 10 of the most interesting Potemkin villages in history.

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