crimes against humanity CANADA

2 years ago

hope Tredeau Ford and everyone involved gets theirs.

in a perfect world people who do bad things get punished

but this isnt a perfect world and usually crimes and evil goes unpunished

waiting list over 40 ppl long for 1 rental unit. so how long is that 50 years.

Canada grew the most ever this year due to immigration yet we dont have enough housing to house our own citizens

this isnt California. It gets below -30C here .

Giving no shelter to Canadian citizens bc there are no places to rent is criminal.

i will pay 2300 right now for rent a 1 bedroom or less . with no MOLD and no infestation of roaches bedbugs fleas.

cant be done can it. tried for 11months.

paid taxes for 33years
started full-time 12yr old btw
served military
working full-time
cant even rent a place

motel is 130a night at $30 so around 4k a month.

making Canada the most expensive on earth for housing

so lets extrapolate costs

4 k a month cheap motels
plus food plus gas insurance for vehicle and my meds from stupid fungal illness 4times now bc of Canadas moldy dumps

7000 a month average to survive like a human being

net salary of $84 000 needed
gross $135 000 a year needed

awsome just awsome

human right violations

charter of rights and freedoms violations

ICCPR violations

neremberg code violations

Geneva violations

Dont come to Canada

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