Tribute to Jesus. Passion of the Christ and Die for You

2 years ago

I know I said I was working on a seminar for the proof of the Bible, and I still am. But before I finished that, I wanted y'all to see this about the love of Jesus Christ. I know changing from atheism to Christianity is hard. I was an atheist before, but I think the best way to believe is not the evidence, but the fact that knowing if Jesus is real, he loves you enough to die for you. I'll have the proof of God seminar uploaded when I finish, I'm trying my hardest.

Anyway, the video uses clips from the passion of the christ, and the Christian song Die for you by Starset:

I also used Tortoise-TTS to get the english vocals of Jesus, the Pharisee, mocker, and repenter. It was hard to get the emotions in it, but it sounds alright.

Also before anyone goes and says "BuT tHaT's AnTiSeMeTiC!" yes I know, as I said before, we are whatever label you stick on us. That's in fact WHY I chose the Passion of the Christ for this video. ANTISEMITISM WOO HOO! Whatever that means.

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