Heaven Land Devotions - The Enduring Resolutions of The Saints

2 years ago

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**Jonathan Edwards 70 Resolutions: https://www.battlefocused.org/jonathan_edwards_resolutions.pdf

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As we are at the close of this year 2022 the very natural thing for people to do is to become deeply thoughtful about it. There is the quiet looking back at everything that happened. There is something about the closing of a year and the entering in of a new one that brings solemnity.

There is always such hope of better possibilities of life lived better in every aspect. Spiritual life to the believer is the one thing they want to do better. They hope to grow in the Lord and please God. They want to experience higher and deeper life in Him. Then there is always that word that is used only at the end of every year, "resolution." However to everyone, every new years resolution is set up for swift failure.

There is always this broad-brushed resolve that they are going to change something. It is always short lived though, and sets up the rest of the year for them to forecast another year under a cloud.

Now a days, as soon as people hear the word "resolution" they are turned off. Because that word to them is synonymous with certain failure. But this should not be the case for the believer. Christ wants us to be resolute and to have resolve. Not just at the beginning of the year, but all year long in the every day life, moment by moment, step by step.

Jonathan Edwards at the end of 1722, at nineteen years of age sat down to write the beginning of his "70 Resolutions." He continued writing them through January through March 1723.

He read them once a week for the rest of his life. They are beautiful, rich and from a deep heart of loving resolute resolve. Resolve from this day forward for the rest of your life to have life long resolution and resolve in your own walk with Jesus Christ. You will be brave, courageous, sound and full of God's love.

“Resolved, never to do anything which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.” ― Jonathan Edwards

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