Don't Marry Wealthy Women - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Will and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, Wishing you the best and thank you for your content over the years. If I had the option to marry into an incredibly wealthy family would that create any risk mitigation? If she makes much more money than me, comes from 100x money even if it blows up wouldn't I end up either on top or better off, in any scenario?" Well Will thanks for the donation and topic. Sure in theory that's the way things should be. There was a guy I recently got video requests named Rusty and his ex had a wealthy daddy. That just meant she could afford better divorce lawyers financially grape him with. You'd think that marrying into a wealthy family as a man in today's sad state of soy would be great. But the the family will protect their money and her money way more from you because you're a man marrying in then if you're a woman marrying in. I should be the opposite way around because women are usually the gold diggers. But for some reason the men marry well to do whamen are called gold diggers right off the bat. I know this because I've dated women that have come from serious money. One woman I dated came from a wealthy family and it didn't matter that at that time I was making more money than her and that she was an entitledasaurus. She told me her parents thought I was gold digging even though at that time I was making more money than her. The same goes for women with higher status in their careers that earn more money. They are on the defensive for their cash. The happiest I've been in my life was when I was with women that were way less educated, intelligent and wealthy than me. Those women were on their best behavior a lot longer because they didn't really have any additional options. But alas as time went on and gravity lowered their ass they tood started emotionally abusing me and trying to make it all about them. There are a few outcomes to marrying a wealthy woman. Usually you will be her lacky or slave and she will be hostile to what you want in your own life a lot sooner and a lot stronger then the average woman. She will become a bully with bucks even faster. Even if those bucks don't belong to her but instead her daddy. Again most women will slowly turn you into a slave or lacky without you realising it like like you're a rotisarie chicken but it's just going to take longer. Then there's also the issue surrounding having to deal with a woman that was most likely spoiled as a child. So that's a horrible human being that's going to put a never ending set of demands for your attention and effort. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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