Daily Energy Reading December 26, 2022 💙

1 year ago

12/26 Daily Energy Oracle Reading! Embrace Your Life Purpose~ I am guiding you toward your Divine life purpose. Whatever makes your heart joyful is what you’re meant to be doing.~
There are different ways in which confusion about what it is you’ve come to Earth to do can manifest. Some souls are puzzled about the specific form their life purpose should take, and to them I can send signs, clues, and synchronicities. There are also people who know what they want their guiding mission to be, but they have dismissed it as not being realistic or possible. When you reject what your heart is telling you to do with your life, it’s only natural that you would then be baffled as to your purpose!
You have your dreams for a reason. They are signs meant to lead you on the right path for your souls and world’s evolution. I encourage you to look within and embrace your truth, then make it come alive with the help of all the Angels. If you experience detours or bumps in the road as you move forward with your plans, it’s also important to explore those. It’s possible that your dream was never meant to be realized but instead to lead you somewhere even more amazing than you were anticipating.
As always, I am with you the whole way, my sword of light pointing in the direction of your dreams.
Affirmation: “Every step toward my dream today is a step away from regret tomorrow.” 💙📝🌝🕊️🪶 #embrace #lifepurpose #followyourdreams #manifesting #dreams #signs #synchronicities #divineguidance #followyourheart #realizeyourdreams #dailyreading #affirmations #archangelmichael #astrology #dailyhoroscope #northeasttarot

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