Your foolish Complaints and Pleas and My proper Housekeeping ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

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Your foolish Complaints and Pleas & My proper Housekeeping

Heavenly Gifts - June 14th 1847

1. Some people complain and say... "Lord, we pray to You and ask You for many things that seem right and good to us, and You act like someone who has great difficulty hearing, or hears nothing at all! You let everything go as it is and don't seem to care much about us. And so everything remains the same, just like it was before. The years and the seasons alternate regularly with each other; every year brings its old fruits, sometimes abundantly, sometimes sparsely - and the people remain the same sinners, as they have always been. The great ones wage wars and the small ones rub shoulders wherever possible, advantage each other at every opportunity.

2. Instead of the light that You promised, only more and more darkness (in spiritual things) appears all around us! More and more idol temples are erected, and the images begin to play a greater and greater role. They have already removed You almost completely, and they will continue to do so until they even put atheists or absurdly superstitious people in place of your former confessors!

3. Behold, Lord, You look at all this with utterly indifferent eyes, and You hardly seem to care about it! - O Lord, what will, what shall become of it? We will evidently perish if You won’t attend to us anymore, the way it was apparently the case up until now!"

4. To these complaints I give the following answer... This seems to be the case - if you judge the matter according to outward appearances! But on the inside, as far as the spirit and the truth are concerned, it is quite different! - People pray and ask with their lips for all kinds of things that seem right and good to them, but their heart is not attached to Me, only to what they pray and ask for. Therefore, I do not give them what they pray and ask for, so that they won’t distance themselves even more from My heart.

5. That is why, on the outside, everything remains the same as it was before and continues on its directed course. - But what faces would people make, if I were to make some enormous changes in the outward creation! What would happen if, for example, I were to suddenly destroy all the previous fruits and put completely new and different-looking ones in their place? Who would dare to eat from such new and strange plants? How many would die from fright, fear and grief, and how many from hunger?

6. O look, how terrible it would be for the weak disposition of man, if I were an 'innovator' and brought forth a different fashion in My creation every day! - So, because of your weakness, everything must remain just the way it is. When even a small comet frightens the crowds and an eclipse makes them fearful, what would they do, if they suddenly would see six moons and three suns rising? - Therefore, as said, everything must remain the way it has always been.

7. And the fact that men are as they have always been, that is also true. But is it not better for men to be as they have always been, at least on the outside, instead of constantly revolting and severing the head of everyone who would not keep up with such perpetual progressives? - Oh, there have been such times and such people; but who would praise them, who likes the Spanish Inquisition, who likes the French Revolution?

8. The fact that the light of the spirit is not as abundant as the natural light is up to each individual. For the light of the spirit comes to each individual inwardly, and never outwardly, like the natural sunlight. Individually and inwardly, however, it comes to those who earnestly seek for it. - Generally, however, it will and can never come to men, because everyone has to seek and find it within himself.

9. I am well aware of the fact that the number of idol temples is increasing and not decreasing! - I also know that on the wheat fields more weed is growing than actual wheat. But My word within the gospel has also spoken of the enemy, he who sowed the tares among the wheat, as well as on what has to happen then, has always happened and will always happen!

10. And you, child of man, can see from this, how unfounded, how loose and shallow every complaint you attempt to hold Me accountable for is! - O I am always ready to give you an account of My housekeeping...


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