Multiple British GPs call for STOP THE SHOT - covid vaccine injury and death alarm.

1 year ago

Multiple British GPs call for ‘Stop The Shot’.

Across the world, there is a realisation that the covid vaccines are doing immense harm. The skyrocketing rise in all-cause mortality since 2021 shows a clear signal that something is killing people all over the world in vast numbers.

Sudden deaths in young, otherwise previously healthy, people are astronomical - heart attacks, blood clots, re-occurring aggressive cancers, the list goes on.

The warning that these experimental gene-based injections would likely cause harm went out long ago by many people in society (including eminent doctors and scientists) right at the start of this proposed method of dealing with covid, back in 2020. It is regrettable that these people were castigated as alarmists and conspiracy theorists, and vilified to such a degree many lost their jobs as well as being ostracised by family and friends.

Now exactly 2 years after the start of the ‘vaccine’ roll-out, with billions having been duped into receiving this unsafe, ineffective and completely unnecessary glop we see a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions unfolding.

The world was lied to about the severity of covid-19. All cause mortality for 2020 was not exceptional according to all official sources. Death figures were grossly exaggerated in the media to make people believe it was much worse than it was. There was clearly an intentional strategy to this. It was done to frighten people into accepting a medical procedure in the form of an injection. The pressure and coercion that was levelled against the populations of the world to get these injections was unprecedented. It was so obvious to those who cared to be sceptical about this kind of mass-manipulation, and who did their research, that something truly sinister was being perpetrated upon humanity.

Unfortunately those warnings were not heeded. Not least of course because of the suppression of such calls by the coordinated efforts of the media and so-called ‘fact checkers’ stamping on every single post and video they could find from those who attempted to speak out.

The tide is turning now though, but alas way too late for many - the damage has been. Their bodies have been contaminated with a poison known as a mRNA ‘vaccine’ which produces a toxin in their bodies using the body’s own biological mechanisms as a factory for producing the toxin. It is a Trojan Horse injection, designed not to save, but to harm.

Urgent and remedial action is required now to try and help everyone who has been contaminated with this diabolical alchemy to help them purge the toxin from their systems using known, well-established, SAFE, drugs and treatments that are known to work - Ivermectin (the Pulitzer Prize winning drug of 2015 that ironically was banned by the CDC and FDA in the US as being dangerous) being one of them.

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